Juicy Details Of ICE Meatpacking Raid in Greeley, Colorado

By Athena Kerry


I looked around at the coverage of the Swift & Co raid after an attentive VDARE.com reader tipped us off about a possible riot situation. As it turns out, the riot was cleanly avoided (thanks to some clever maneuvering by police) but some interesting issues were raised in the meantime:

Now that it’s all gone down, the Greeley Tribune is posting the individual arrest warrants of some of the illegals who were taken away. Interestingly, in most cases, the arrest warrants give the names both of the ID thieves and their victims, usually other Hispanics.

For more detailed information, look here. You'll find links for all of the relevant Greeley Tribune articles as well as a slideshow, and video and an audio clip. ( Multimedia of ICE raid on Swift plant, The Greeley Tribune, December 12, 2006 and New buses arrive, protests continue December 12, 2006 )

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