Just What GOP Congressional Delegation Needed: A Minority Immigration Lawyer

By Patrick Cleburne


No doubt some leaders of the Louisiana GOP are maintaining the Stupid Party tradition and celebrating the upset victory of Anh Cao over felony-Democratic Congressman William J. Jefferson (he of Cash-in-the-Icebox fame.)[Anh 'Joseph' Cao beats Rep. William Jefferson in 2nd Congressional District, by Michelle Krupa and Frank Donze, The Times-Picayune, December 6, 2008.]

The Louisiana GOP leadership has some kind of phobia about race. Despite being totally dependent on white votes, overwhelmingly of Confederate heritage, it opens its Facebook page with an effusion about Lincoln that is historically questionable and a direct insult to the traditions of its key support:

"Over one hundred and fifty years ago, Americans who had gathered to protest the expansion of slavery gave birth to a political Party that would save the Union — the Republican Party.

In 1860, Abraham Lincoln of Illinois carried the Republican banner in the Presidential election and was elected the Party’s first President. He became our nation’s greatest leader … and one of our Party’s greatest heroes…

Today, the Republican Party continues under Lincoln’s vision to elect men and women who carry on the best traditions of our Party."

Over the past few years, the State GOP has favored a series of minority candidates, with poor results — it only regained the Fifth Congressional District, lost in 2002 when the Republican ticket was lead by a woman of Armenian extraction, because the winning Democrat subsequently switched parties.

It did succeed at last in electing the ultimate Affirmative Action beneficiary, Rhodes Scholar Bobby Jindal, to the Governorship in 2007. This unfortunately allows the Louisiana party’s kind of anti-white discrimination to be projected onto the GOP national stage.

Although Anh Cao came to the US when Viet Nam was conquered in 1975 at the age of 8, he married a Vietnamese woman and makes his living as…an immigration lawyer, presumably acting mainly for his own community.

"Cao went to Washington to advocate for refugees. Recognizing he lacked necessary legal skills, he returned to New Orleans to attend Loyola University’s law school. He worked for an immigrant advocacy group, then opened a law practice with a similar focus.

Though Cao described himself as a longtime Republican — he opposes abortion, supports school vouchers and wants to shrink the size of government — he ran as an independent. He concedes it a matter of "political maneuvering" in an effort to appeal to the district’s mostly Democratic electorate …

Cao, vying to become the first Vietnamese-American elected to Congress, said that if he wins, he'll join the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus." [Newcomer Joseph Cao hopes to unseat U.S. Rep. William Jefferson, by Michelle Krupa, The Times-Picayune, December1, 2008]

The Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus is, naturally, an ethnic Asian special interest pressure group.

Probably the most sagacious comment on the election comes from the rabidly-Open-Borders Greg Siskind’s Blog

"He is set to become the first Vietnamese-American ever elected to Congress. He’s also likely to be one of the most pro-immigration Republicans in Congress. Given the make up of the district and the enormous advantage a scandal-free Democrat will have in 2010, I’m wondering whether Cao will remain a Republican. He’s run previously as an independent. If I were Nancy Pelosi, I'd invite Congressman Cao out to lunch."
(Against Cao’s likely 2010 loss, the neocons over at American Spectator are already promoting him for state wide office.)

The neoconservatives, of course, have long wanted Southern white votes, but not Southern men.

It is nice that the Vietnamese community now has a ethnocentric Congressman to promote their community interests. From the first Times-Picayune article above:

"In his closing, Cao offered thanks to the local immigrant community, and he made a special plea for peace in the country of his birth. "I'd like to thank my Vietnamese community," he said, "and I'd like to encourage young Vietnamese in this country to work peacefully for a free and democratic Vietnam."

But why should the white Louisianans not have the same? After the State’s Jeremiah Munsen atrocity, perpetrated by a Black and another Asian ”American”, they clearly need them.

The Louisiana GOP leadership needs to wake up.

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