Kathy Shaidle in TAKIMAG: "Martin Luther King, Pussy Grabber"
Kathy Shaidle has a great column in Takimag:Martin Luther King, Pussy GrabberOn the recording, surreptitiously made in Los Angeles, the subject can be heard:
* giving his friends lewd nicknames * delivering a lengthy monologue larded with bawdy and even blasphemous puns * joking about the bedroom behavior of a beloved Democratic president and his wife
A firsthand (and hostile) observer has described the subject as given to “orgiastic and adulterous escapades,” who “could be bestial in his sexual abuse of women.”Another party (a sympathetic one) recalls his friend giving another one of his famously stirring speeches, then passing the evening with two different women; when a third showed up and picked a fight, the subject struck her.
The subject is a household name, a powerful yet divisive man with millions of admirers, many of whom are aware of his moral shortcomings and continue to revere him in spite of them all.
Our subject is not Bill Clinton.
He is not even Donald Trump.
He is — or was — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
After the release of the “pussy tape,” and the subsequent rash of sexual-something-or-other accusations against Trump by various females, his defenders reflexively responded with pointed reminders that various liberal figureheads — from the Kennedys to Clinton — haven’t exactly been paragons of chastity.
But not even Ann Coulter, on her own (dirty) laundry list last week, included one of the biggest names of all. You know, the guy with his own national holiday.[More]
There is a lot more, crediting Sam Francis’s work (see The King Holiday and Its Meaning, by Sam Francis, originally published in 1998.) Read the whole thing, and check out our "Martin Luther King archives (including my own humble contribution) for more: