Kentucky Gov Election Debacle Proves: GOP Nominating Black Candidates Disastrous
In Kentucky, Democratic Governor Andy won reelection, 52.5% to 47.5%. He beat the incumbent Republican Governor in 2019 49.2% to 48.83%
Managing to lose this race was quite a feat by the Kentucky GOP. President Trump carried the State by 62.09% in 2020.
Mass ululations have broken out, with Drudge today featuring Chris Christie earning his paycheck by putting all the blame on Trump.
No one dares mention the obvious reason: in 85% white Kentucky, as elsewhere, whites are fed up with Black Privilege.
The defeated Republican, Daniel Cameron, is black. The Kentucky GOP Establishment has been grooming him most of his adult life, including a stint as legal counsel to the unspeakable Senator Mitch McConnell (China Asset-KY).
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With whites chafing under the Biden Minority Occupation Government and having to digest headlines like Corporate America Declares War On Whites: Post-George Floyd, S&P 100 Added More Than 300,000 Jobs, With 94% Going To People Of Color
to say nothing of their awareness of the ongoing black/white murder holocaust, being insulted by being ordered to vote for an Affirmative Action candidate must have been repellent.
To the significant number of Kentuckians descended from Confederate loyalists it must have been a direct insult, in view of recent events: JASON KESSLER: Note Sheer Anti-White Sadism Of Reporting On Lee Statue Vandalism — Because It’s You Next.
Proving my analysis is a puerile commentary rushed into print at the Louisville Courier Journal: Cameron lost to Beshear, and the least Trumpy Republican won. Is Trump’s influence waning? by Scott Jennings, November 8, 2023.
The rest of the GOP ticket won by anywhere from 14 to 22 points. Other than Cameron, Republicans outkicked their generic ballot coverage in races that generally attracted little money and advertising.
(Jennings does note
Beshear’s path was eased by a crushing fundraising advantage.
As of this writing, Beshear had raised around $18 million for the cycle compared to Cameron’s $4.8 million
which raises the question why his margin did not increase over 2019.)
Jennings, according to his byline, is a
Louisville-based RunSwitch PR. He is a longtime Republican advisor and serves as a Senior Political Commentator for CNN. His firm served as the General Consultant for Jonathan Shell and Russell Coleman in the 2023 election.
both of whom won handily. He trumpets that neither mentioned Trump. That was not their only difference with Daniel Cameron!
This Republican Establishment nomination of offensive candidates is not new, as Washington Watcher II pointed out in 2022: Unmentioned In Post-Midterm Mayhem, GOP Consultants’ Diversity Push Didn’t Pay Off.
The White Turnout and Vote are what matters for GOP victories. Spitting in their face is foolish.
Of course, GOP consultants can still get rich off credulous Big Donors.
For the moment.