
Knockout Game: What Not To Notice, Courtesy Brian Lehrer Of NPR

By Steve Sailer


Recently, Jewish leaders in New York have called attention to the pattern of black youths engaging in violent hate crimes against visibly Jewish people walking down the street in Brooklyn, such as a 78-year-old lady. This is finally bringing respectable media attention to the long-running phenomenon of Polar Bear Hunting or Knockout Game: random black hate crimes against whites without even bothering to steal anything, as happened to Matthew Yglesias in 2011.NPR’s Knockout Graphic

Fortunately, NYC’s NPR station is here to tell us what not to notice:

The Brian Lehrer Show

Is the News Media Over-Hyping "The Knockout Game?"

Thursday, November 21, 2013

"The Knockout Game" is a phenomenon where teens assault strangers by trying to knock them out with one punch. Is this a new trend? Is the media making it worse? Jeffrey Butts, director of the Research and Evaluation Center at John Jay College of Criminal Justice at CUNY assesses the patterns behind this story and how it’s being addressed by the media.

What We Learned

It’s All About the Video — Jeffrey Butts says while this is not a new phenomenon, it’s getting attention now because there are videos.

Are These Hate Crimes? — Butts says this is way too early to be attributing this to hate crime. Victims are wide-ranging.

For Teens, This May Not Seem Like Big Deal — Butts suggested that for teens, if violence is a normal thing in your life, punching someone may seem like a minor infraction, and that the media attention is partly responsible for spreading this meme.

Does Race Matter? — Several listeners called in to suggest that these crimes seem to racially motivated and mainly a black on white thing. Butts says, "In any kind of criminal behavior, people tend to focus on the race and ethnicity of both the victim and the perpetrator. I think it’s just inappropriate to draw inferences from a few cases or even from a dominant pattern because that encourages you to think about this as a racial behavior. I think it’s more about the age of the perpetrators; it’s probably more about social class."

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