The current administration’s fondness for crime and criminals truly strains the imagination. Apparently the potential of importing more undocumented Democrats overrides normal precautions to protect public safety.
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach appeared on Fox News Saturday morning to discuss the executive actions taken to undermine the role of Congress in legislating immigration laws, which the President is required by the Constitution to carry out.
Kobach explained details of how Obama’s latest dismantling of law and sovereignty works:
KRIS KOBACH: It used to be you couldn’t get this if you had a criminal record. They’re saying if you committed your crime before the age of 18, like many gang members do, or if it’s a petty crime, then you’re okay, you can have this administrative amnesty too and by the way, petty crimes include some pretty serious things, like theft, assault, battery, possession of drugs, DUI. This administration seems to be saying no illegal alien left behind, and it’s really troubling.
TUCKER CARLSON: So the rest of us, silly us, are watching the Congress to see if they’ll vote to put into law amnesty but the real action is taking place in the executive branch, the President who brags about having a pen is just giving us de facto amnesty. Is that what’s going on?
KOBACH: That’s exactly what’s going on, Tucker. It’s amazing. In previous administrations they didn’t abuse the law like this, but this administration is either outright asking ICE agents to break the law, which they started doing in June 2012 with their so-called DREAM Act administrative amnesty, and here they’re just twisting and pushing the limits of what the law was never intended to do. [ … ]
You would think that an administration bent on getting amnesty even though the law doesn’t allow it would at least stop short of giving it to criminals, but they’re giving it to criminals as well.