Pope Benedict XVI has named Jose Gomez, the Mexican-born Archbishop of San Antonio, to replace the treasonous Cardinal Roger Mahony as Bishop of Los Angeles. [Pope names Mexican-born Gomez to take over in LA, AP, Nicole Winfield, April 6, 2010].
In the opinion of many (myself included), Cardinal Mahony should be in jail for his many years of shielding scores of sex predator priests. However, Gomez clearly has a high opinion of his depraved predecessor.
"Iām very grateful to the Holy Father for giving me this opportunity to serve the Church with a mentor and leader like Cardinal Roger Mahony," Gomez said in his public statement.
Jose Gomez has far less baggage than Mahony when it comes to the still growing sex abuse crisis in the Church. But like Mahony, Gomez cares about nothing except Hispanicizing the United States.
In 2004, Jose Gomez addressed a gathering at the Hispanic Seminary of Our Lady of Guadelup in Mexico City, a seminary solely devoted to training Hispanic priests to serve north in the United States. "As Catholics," said Bishop Gomez, "we believe that the Lord Jesus is the Lord of history, and that for some reason He has desired that this massive wave of immigrants take place in the most powerful country on earth.ā
And my family wonders why I no longer go to Church?