LA Schools To Lower Standards To Let 22,000 Failing Students Graduate

By James Kirkpatrick


One of those stories where you have to laugh to keep from crying.

The Hispanic-dominated Los Angeles Unified School District Board has decided it is better to let failing students graduate with D grades rather than deny them a diploma because of their poor grades in college prep classes.

The board unanimously agreed on Tuesday that students with a D grade in so-called A-G courses, which are required for entry to the University of California and California State University systems, could graduate and earn their diploma. The Daily News reported that 51 percent of incoming seniors are behind on the courses.

Although she voted for the change, board member Tamar Galatzan was worried about the board’s action, asserting, “I am worried we are setting students up for failure because this district hasn’t gotten its act together,” according to SCPR.

[LAUSD Lowers Standards To Let 22,000 Failing Students Graduate, Some As Old As 22, by William Bigelow, Breitbart, June 10, 2015]

Here’s the classic mistake of saying the schools are to blame. But as Robert Weissberg titled one of his books, "Bad Students, Not Bad Schools." 73.7 percent of the high schools students in the LA school system are Hispanic, and the dropout rate is 17 percent. This is more or less what you would expect.

As is always worth always pointing out, if you separate student performance by race on the 2009 Pisa Reading tests, European-Americans are actually doing quite well compared to the rest of the world, even in the "government schools." Indeed, European-Americans are actually outperforming every White nation except Finland. The only groups measured on the test European-Americans are losing to are Shanghai-China, Korea, Hong Kong-China, Singapore … and Asian-Americans. Funny how those institutionally racist standardized tests designed to perpetuate white supremacy keep ending up with Asians on top.

But LA is now dominated by what the late Lee Kuan Yew referred to as "immigration from the fruit-pickers." And as he warned, "You won’t get very far!"

Of course, this isn’t stopping the people in charge of the school system in LA from bragging about the demographics of their Third World school system. As Breitbart chronicles,

In 2014 during the first wave of illegal aliens from Central America, LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy told the Los Angeles Times, “”We welcome the new youth with open arms in LAUSD.” Students unable or unwilling to speak English increased from 142,457 to 146,794 after the border surge, according to the LA Times. That’s roughly 23 percent of all student enrolled.

Who could have expected importing Central American peasants who don’t speak English would lead to a failing school system?

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