Larry Kudlow Predicts MASSIVE Trump Win Over Sanders
Larry Kudlow gets of a lot of bad press here for thinking the wrong things about immigration (see A Talk Radio Listener Reports Larry Kudlow Saying Republicans Should NOT Run On Immigration — No Matter How Much The Voters Want It) but here’s something more cheerful he’s said:In a surprising moment on Tuesday’s Power Lunch on CNBC, Larry Kudlow predicted that Senator Bernie Sanders will stun the experts and defeat former Secretary State Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination."Then I think Donald Trump will defeat Sanders in 49 out of 50 states in the general election," he added.
Kudlow: It will be Trump vs. Sanders, by Jake Novak,, January 19, 2016
Here he is saying it on video:
However, Kudlow may be wrong about the 49 states — see Why The Right Should Fear Bernie Sanders.