Las Vegas Victim Statistics (Cont.)
Excellent feedback from readers on my speculations about the sex disparity among victims of the Las Vegas shooter: 36 women, 22 men.
Several readers observed that the disparity is not statistically remarkable on reasonable assumptions about the composition of the concert audience.
Here are the arguments.
- Assume that precisely half the concert attendees as a whole are each sex: 50 percent male, 50 percent female. The issue then maps into a simple coin-tossing problem.
Answer: 8.7 percent.
That’s worth an eyebrow-squinch, but it’s not really eyebrow-raising.
The customary (although perforce arbitrary) standard for raising a statistician’s eyebrows is five percent. That would correspond to a 37-21 split or worse. We’re near the edge there, but not over it.
- You can work the numbers the other way, too.
Now ask the question: Given that a random selection of 58 from that population had 22 males and 36 females, what can we deduce about likely values for p?
Answer: On that customary standard, p is probably (i.e. at the 95 percent level of probability) between 48 percent and 74 percent.
Note that includes the possibility of an even split, or even of a slight male majority, 51 or 52 percent.
Bottom line here: Neither of those answers raises the statistician’s eyebrows. Neither is remarkably improbable.
So we are likely just seeing random statistical fluctuation here.
Many thanks to all who emailed in.