Late Merkel Age Collapse: "Violent Crime Rises In Germany And Is Attributed To Refugees"
By Steve Sailer
From Reuters:
Violent crime rises in Germany and is attributed to refugeesRiham Alkousaa
BERLIN (Reuters) — Young male refugees in Germany got the blame on Wednesday for most of a two-year increase in violent crime, adding fuel to the country’s political debate over migrants.
Violent crime rose by about 10 percent in 2015 and 2016, a study showed. It attributed more than 90 percent of that to young male refugees.
It noted, however, that migrants settling from war-torn countries such as Syria were much less likely to commit violent crimes that those from other places who were unlikely to be given asylum. …
The government-sponsored study showed a jump in violent crime committed by male migrants aged 14 to 30.
… Around 17 percent of violent crimes in Lower Saxony that were attributed to refugees, for example, were suspected of being committed by North African asylum seekers who made up less than 1 percent of the state’s registered refugee population. …
The study said reuniting refugees with their families by allowing them to come to Germany too could help to reduce violence.
Funny how that works. Whatever happens, the solution is More Immigration.
Then they could procreate and that would really reduce the violence.