
Latest Breaking KKK News Hot Off The Wires

By Steve Sailer


Fortunately, the media is diligently keeping us up to the moment on all the Stop-the-Presses Ku Klux Klan news. From the National Journal, a 3,800 word article:

In Mississippi, the Mysterious Murder of a Gay, Black Politician

It’s tempting to think Marco McMillian was killed because of his race, his sexuality, or because he was running for mayor. By Ben Terris

Granted, the case isn’t actually terribly "mysterious" at all, but who cares? It’s "tempting."

And from the New York Times, a 2,600 word article, When Cold Cases Stay Cold, on how the Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act of 2006 just didn’t give the FBI a big enough budget to satisfactorily resolve long ago cases of Southern white-on-black violence — not just unsolved cases, but unsatisfactorily solved cases where juries acquitted white suspects (or even where coroners rightly reported no foul play, like the man who died of a heart attack at Lover’s Lane). Who cares about the Constitutional provision against Double Jeopardy when what is at stake is keeping the public sufficiently riled up about an increasingly distant past?

"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."

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