Luis Gutiérrez, perhaps the most openly anti-American Congressman in the House, is retiring. No one knows why, and certainly the Main Stream Media, which has been giving him adoring coverage all day, won’t do much to find out [Rep. Luis Gutierrez, immigrants' champion, won’t seek re-election, by Suzanne Gamboa, NBC News, November 28, 2017]. If we ever do find out, it may be some time from now.
I've always had a certain admiration for Gutiérrez. He is, after all, a far-right, nationalistic, xenophobic, imperialist warrior for his country. Unfortunately for us, "his country" is not the United States. He can’t be called a traitor because there’s no evidence he’s ever considered himself American.
The Democratic Socialists of America have already announced one of their candidates, Carlos Ramierz-Rosa, will be a candidate for the seat. In an email sent by DSA, they proclaimed:
Now we just got breaking news that another DSA comrade is entering the race to represent Chicago and Illinois' 4th District in Congress: Carlos Ramirez-Rosa!..The ascendance of our movement for socialism is undeniable — and the fact that two fellow members are now running for Congress is something we should all celebrate.
As a former caseworker for Gutiérrez and a "Family Support Network Organizer" with the "Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights," Ramirez-Rosa is not going to be a major change on policy [Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, Editorial Board Questionnaire, Chicago Tribune]. But his candidacy will be an interesting test for the viability of openly socialist candidates in Congress. Of course, his kind of "socialism" has nothing to offer American workers, who are to be dispossessed, discriminated against, and have their wages destroyed by Third World mass immigration.