LAUSD Crisis Shows Coronavirus A "Katrina Moment" For The Entire United States
By Jack Dalton
I’ve often wondered to myself: would the United States of America survive a Great Depression-style event with our increasingly Third World demographics? You see pictures of breadlines from the Great Depression, and even those destitute and downtrodden are dressed in three-piece suits as they await their meager rations.
But America was still America then, boasting a population nearly 90 percent white.
With the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring the coronavirus a global pandemic, a general panic is beginning to set in across America.
One story from the Los Angeles Times helps underscore how reliant our new, Third-World underclass population is on the state; not just its existence, but the orderly and steady meals it provides for the children of this burgeoning population.
When reading it, you get the impression this new America lacks the fortitude the Historic America Nation had when facing the nationwide crisis:
The Los Angeles Board of Education on Tuesday declared a state of emergency, giving Supt. Austin Beutner the authority to take actions needed to close schools if necessary in response to the coronavirus outbreak.
The action is seen as a precaution that would allow Beutner to act quickly as the need arises in the nation’s second-largest school district. As of Tuesday night, there were no plans to close schools and no individual diagnosed with COVID-19 had a connection to an L.A. Unified school, according to the district.
“What we’re asking for is emergency authority,” Beutner told the Board of Education before their unanimous vote. “That does not necessarily mean that there will be emergency action today, tomorrow or a week from now. This will allow us to take all appropriate action as the facts and circumstances could change quickly.”
What does an emergency declaration mean?
The declaration gives Beutner the authority to relocate students and staff, revise student transportation arrangements and approve alternative educational options. It also gives him authority to provide paid leaves of absence for employees due to quarantine or illness, assign staff to serve as disaster-service workers, and order necessary alterations, repairs or improvements to district property.
The declaration also allows Beutner to pay for these measures without going through the usual contracting process.
L.A. Unified is responsible for the education and safety of more than half a million district and charter-school students. If adult education and early education numbers are included, that total rises to more than 670,000. There also are about 78,000 full- and part-time workers.
How about the hardships faced by families and employees?
Officials in L.A. Unified and other school districts throughout the state understand the hardship that school closures would bring to families, especially in a district such as L.A. Unified, where about four in five students are members of a low-income household, and where both parents work and have limited childcare options.
“We know that those who will be hardest hit in a situation like this are the most vulnerable, whom we serve in a large percentage in our schools,” said school board member Kelly Gonez in an interview.
The campus frequently becomes a locus for medical services and family counseling. And some families also depend on L.A. Unified for food — about 17,000 students are homeless.
“We have a very large number of students who eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at school,” said school board member Jackie Goldberg. “I don’t think we have an answer for that yet. … Are there ways to distribute food that don’t include passing the virus along with it?”
The federal government has loosened rules to allow students to be fed outside of normal school operations, if a school is closed due to coronavirus. And California Gov. Gavin Newsom also has indicated he will support this goal.
Locations that serve students food in the summer through the Summer Food Service and the Seamless Summer Option can also be approved “to provide meals during unanticipated school closures” at schools and elsewhere, said Margo Minecki, a spokeswoman for the L.A. County Office of Education.
In L.A. County, sites approved for summer meal service include campuses, city parks, churches and local nonprofit centers. To avoid the gathering of groups, families could pick up meals and take them home. More than two-thirds of L.A. County public school students qualify for free or reduced-price meals and about 80% in LAUSD.
The district’s Reilly said employees still would be paid if schools are closed, and that no one should worry about facing repercussions for staying home when they are sick.
“If you are sick we are being very liberal” in allowing for sick time, she said. [L.A. school district declares state of emergency to prepare for coronavirus response, by Howard Blume, March 10, 2020]
In 1930, Los Angeles was 95 percent white. Today, the city is 28 percent white. The school system is 78 percent Hispanic, with 20 percent of those 607.723 students designated English Learners.
Read this sentence again: “We have a very large number of students who eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at school,” said school board member Jackie Goldberg. “I don’t think we have an answer for that yet. … Are there ways to distribute food that don’t include passing the virus along with it?”
We have no idea how our fellow countrymen will react to the coronavirus scare, though we are seeing gut-wrenching volatility in the stock markets showing massive sell-offs of equities and a lack of faith in the current economic climate.
But what we do know is large population centers are no longer even populated with Americans, but with third world immigrants and their children whose primary reason for being in our nation is to enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the taxpayer dime.
May this be the first time you encounter the concept of the coronavirus pandemic in the USA being “America’s Katrina Moment,” when more and more descendants of the Historic American Nation realize just how alien our country has become.
Fitting it all happens just a month before the 25th anniversary of the publication of Peter Brimelow’s Alien Nation.