Letting Arabs (Possibly Palestinians) In At The Southern Border
By Former Agent
Early on in my career, one of our Agents caught a group of illegal aliens and it was not immediately obvious which country they were from. Aliens sometimes hide their nationalities for a variety of reasons. The Central Americans used to not want to be sent back to Nicaragua, so, they would lie and say they were Mexican. Some of the aliens may have been told that by keeping us guessing as to which country they were from that would make it much more difficult to deport them. I can recall encountering one illegal alien who was never deported because he refused to say which country he was from at all, and Uganda would not acknowledge he was one of their citizens (he could have been from the Congo too; no one knew except the liar).
In any case, we had four aliens in front of us who could not speak Spanish and had limited English. One of our guys who had been in the Marine Corps grew fed up with their stonewalling and started screaming at them “You’re Iranian, aren’t you? That’s why you won’t say where you’re from! You’re Iranian.” At that point, the aliens claimed to all be Lebanese. I guess they were scared of the bad blood between the U.S. and Iran.
I was processing one of the aliens. Of course, they were all going to claim political asylum and be released. The guy I was processing told me that he had killed his brother-in-law and that’s why he had to flee to the United States. I was a bit dumbfounded. He claimed that his brother-in-law was a member of Hezbollah and frowned on him (the guy I was processing) drinking beer. So, the beer drinker murdered his brother-in-law in a sort of pre-emptive strike. Or at least, so, he claimed. I was a bit incredulous that someone would try claiming political asylum based on murdering his brother-in-law even if said brother-in-law was a member of Hezbollah.
Nevertheless, I wrote up his story in the I-213 Form and he walked out the door on his way to Detroit. (They only send their best and brightest.) That’s one guy who knew how to fight for his right to party.
As I told the story last week, I once caught a guy with an Israeli passport who turned out to be a Palestinian and was irate that I mistook him for being a Jew. Now, the Biden administration is going to allow anyone with an Israeli passport to fly into the United States without needing to get a visa. Gee, what could go wrong? It’s not like anyone is shooting each other over there. I’m sure they will stop their murderous ways once they get on the Magic Dirt of America.
Back in August of last year, Governor Abbott claimed that 81 suspects on the terror watchlist had been found since Biden took office [81 suspects on terror watchlist found at border since Biden took office: Gov. Abbott, by MaryAnn Martinez, NY Post, August 30, 2022].
80+ terrorists on the Terrorist Watchlist have been encountered along our southern border since Pres. Biden took office.
— Gov. Greg Abbott (@GovAbbott) August 30, 2022
His refusal to secure the border is a direct threat to our national security.
Texas is stepping up to protect Americans from these dangerous criminals. pic.twitter.com/wsopOYGokf
I wonder how many were missed, gotaways. I wonder how many were let in from those countries who weren’t on the terrorist watchlist but should be. I wonder if any other fratricidal-in-laws were not counted as terrorists.
We’ve been so lucky so far in this country, but how long can our luck hold out?