Liberian Refugee Rapes Girl in Massachusetts
Chechens aren’t the only refugees committing crime in Massachusetts. A 20 year old Liberian Refugee, Charles Monroe, was recently arrested for stalking three teenage girls as they were walking to school in the morning in the Vernon Hill section of Worcester, right near the campuses of St. Mary’s High School and Worcester Academy. My guess is that the girls probably attended the former.
In three separate incidents, Monroe pulled a knife on each girl as they walked alone to school. The first two girls managed to get away. But the other was forced into a nearby apartment building, where she was raped and sexually humiliated.
Nevertheless, his attorney asked the judge for leniency because “Monroe had a ‘very difficult upbringing’ in war-torn Liberia before he and his mother came to the United States through a church mission when he was 11 years old.”
I’m sure that upbringing can’t compare to the horror Monroe inflicted on an innocent 17 year old girl.
The Boston Globe refused to identify the race or nationality of the rapist [Worcester man convicted of assaulting 3 teen girls, Boston Globe, May 2, 2013]. But other outlets were more responsible. [Liberian refugee jailed for knife attacks on Worcester schoolgirls, by Gary V. Murray, Worcester Telegram, May 2, 2013]
In court, Charles Monroe laughed as the charges were read. See the video here.