Life Extension: One Less Reason for Mass Migration

By Randall Burns


One of the major reasons the Establishment gives for the need of Open Borders is that the US isn’t producing "enough" younger workers. Now, one obvious solution to that problem is to simply produce more workers — a job Americans still can do.

Somehow, in the latest wave of political correctness, reproduction has come to have much the same role as sex had in the Victorian area. However, improvement of medical care is something that is still very much of broad concern. Some of the more radical thought in that approach comes under the genre of Life Extension Now, what does this have to do with immigration? Well, Life Extension techniques, if successful, may emerge as a major means by which immigration is made even less of an an advantage than it now appears to be as existing workers are kept productive and healthy longer.

One of the major events in the Life Extension movement in recent years has been the creation Methuselah Mouse Prize-a prize for whatever researcher can use medical interventions to help a mouse live the longest. The Methuselah Mouse Prize got a major boost this week from the donation of $ 3.5 Million from Payal Founder Peter A. Thiel.

We've historically seen successful prize awards associated with major technical leaps forward. In the next few years, I think it is a safe bet that we'll be reading about scientists gaining the ability to double or triple the natural life span of a mouse. Now, doing that in humans is going to be very tricky-especially as the technology is first getting applied.

I hope to cover the connection between life extension technologies and immigration in more depth in a later article.

The Bush administration, in keeping with their de facto policy of replacement of the existing American population, has given prominent positions to "bioconservatives" like Leon Kass who oppose creation of life extension technologies.

I expect the wealthy interests that have promoted mass immigration have made a fundamental miscalculation. They instinctually thought that the people they most negatively affected by immigration policy would just fade away. I suspect that instead, they will wind up facing a cohort of very angry, impoverished — but unexpectedly healthy — older workers. I hope I live long enough to see this.

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