Limbaugh Hits Immigration Mess — Another Ingraham Effect?
Mirabile dictu, Rush Limbaugh has mentioned immigration anarchy for the last three days in a row. Whatever has happened to increase the issue’s prevalence on his radio show?
Did Limbaugh notice while he was obsessing with his personal campaign against Obama that Laura Ingraham became the most influential radio talk-show voice by promoting pro-sovereignty Dave Brat in his amazing primary win over Eric Cantor? Even The New York Times recognized the power of certain conservative radio talkers: David Brat Was Aided by Influential Figures Like Laura Ingraham.
Limbaugh portrays himself as a great patriot, the Mayor of Realville, but he has routinely ignored the one issue that will permanently transform America into just another failed liberal conglomeration. When he has spoken on demographic remaking of the nation, he has been informative, but apparently has not seen it as important, often not mentioning immigration for weeks at a time unless brought up by a caller.
He was also painfully slow to grasp the perfidy of a certain diverse senator: Bewildered Limbaugh Is Still Defending Rubio. Perhaps the radio host is not as brilliant as he thinks.
But now, something appears to have changed, at least for the time being. Let’s hope he keeps talking about the greatest threat to America. We need all the help we can get.
Influx of Immigrant Kids is Part of the Left’s Plan to Remake America, June 17, 2014Now I think this would be a great time for me to give you a little bit more detail on what’s happening with this influx of illegal kids crossing the border. Remember, they’re not from Mexico, we’re told. These are “unaccompanied alien children,” and they have a name, UACs, and they are from Central America, which means El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua. Not Mexico. And they are “pouring in.”
They’re pouring into Arizona and they’re pouring into Texas, which has consequences. When they get across the border they are being “transferred to Border Patrol facilities elsewhere along the border — US government officials are scrambling to find places to put them.” Here’s the problem: “[B]ased on current immigration and asylum laws, the vast majority of those children could be legally staying right here in the United States before long.”
Take Note, GOP: Obama Drops with Hispanics, June 18, 2014Now, remember, the conventional wisdom in Washington is the Republicans had better adopt the policies of the Democrats so that they get some Hispanic support so that they can win some elections again. And if they don’t do that, it’s sayonara — or adios. Yet here we have the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, “Hispanics Help Drive President Obama’s Approval Rating to a Fresh Low.”
How is this possible?
Republicans are buying into the idea that they have to be for amnesty to win Hispanic votes, yet Obama’s erased the border, he’s promised illegals amnesty, and he’s tanking in this poll. We’re being overrun at the moment with unaccompanied children from Central America. Maybe could it be that the Hispanic population of this country wants a secure nation just like everybody else?
Breathlessly Waiting for Obama, June 19, 2014This president — who has presided over the opening of the Southern border to tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands now) illegal aliens and children, not just from Mexico, but from other Central American countries — is going to come before you today and present himself as an expert and eminently qualified to detail for us our future policy in Iraq.