Lindsey Graham, Sotomayor, and Guns

By Patrick Cleburne


In some ways the most deplorable result in the ‘08 election cycle was the achievement by the despicable Lindsey Graham (Scalawag-SC) of a second Senate term.

This was the Lindsey Graham who burbled

I can’t tell you how impressed I am with Senator Kennedy …

while conniving with that wicked old man to try and force through the 2006 Amnesty/Immigration Acceleration Bill.

The tragedy is, Graham had fine patriotic opponents both at the Primary and General Election levels. Chuck Baldwin was quite right in his scathing denunciation of South Carolina’s purportedly “Conservative” leadership.

Just how much damage Graham is willing to do was demonstrated in the case of the promising Sotomayor controvery by his appearance yesterday in Fox News Sunday. There he sneered at those who question Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor’s ethnocentrism, let her off the hook of being a racist, and proposed a way for to her to defuse the charge:

Asked if he agreed with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh that Sotomayor is a racist, the South Carolina Republican said he disagreed.

No, they interject themselves in the debate. They have got an audience to entertain and Newt is a political commentator. I’m a United States senator,” Graham said on "Fox News Sunday" with Chris Wallace. “I don’t think she’s a racist…

“What she said was that based on her life experiences she thought that a Latina woman, somebody with her background, would be a better judge than a guy like me, a white guy from South Carolina. It is troubling,” Graham said. “It’s inappropriate and I hope she will apologize.”

Graham: Sotomayor not racist, but apology expected

By Kevin Bogardus The Hill Posted: 05/31/09 10:39 AM [ET]

(This is the same Lindsey Graham to so brutally tortured then Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alioto over his (apparently completely passive) membership of Concerned Alumni of Princeton (which was merely opposed to the admission of women and to affirmative action) at his hearing that Mrs. Alioto left the hearing in tears

GRAHAM: …And some quotes were shown, from people who did write for this organization, that you disavowed. Do you remember that exchange?

ALITO: I disavow them. I deplore them. They represent things that I have always stood against and I can’t express too strongly …

GRAHAM: If you don’t mind the suspicious nature that I have is that you may be saying that because you want to get on the Supreme Court; that you're disavowing this now because it doesn’t look good.

And really what I would look at to believe you're not — and I’m going to be very honest with you — is: How have you lived your life? Are you really a closet bigot?

ALITO: I’m not any kind of a bigot, I’m not.

(Second Round of Graham Questioning Judge Alioto — Graham website.

Will we see a similar Graham/Sotomayor performance? Of course not. Brown people are for fawning over.

In the Obama era, South Carolina’s Republicans cannot afford Graham.

Generally, the weekend performance of the GOP talking heads on the Sotomayor nomination underlined the wisdom of Sam Francis’ description: the Stupid Party. Apart from stumbling around on the “racism” question (which they would rechristen “ethnocentrism” if they had any brains) none seemed to raise the equally explosive and more deadly issue of Sotomayor’s dislike of gun ownership. Needless to say, this has been vigorously ignored by the MSM — Google News has only 32 news articles on “Sotomayor and Guns” while there are over 13,400 simply on her nomination. But there are enough on the Conservative food chain for the Senator’s staffs to have briefed them — for instance here and here.

Not surprisingly in the light of Chuck Baldwin’s remarks above on their General Election bumbling, the National Rifle Association is still fence-sitting.

Andrew Arulanandam, a spokesman for the NRA, said the group has "serious concerns" about Judge Sotomayor but isn’t necessarily opposing her nomination … "If there are satisfactory answers to the questions, then we'll move on," Mr. Arulanandam said.

Gun Advocates See Reason to Be Wary of Nominee By Gary Fields The Wall Street Journal May 30 2009

There seems to be some degenerative ailment which strikes the lead 501(c)3s in controversial areas (hint! ).

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