
Little Sister Is Watching You

By Steve Sailer


From a study of over 10,000 students in the University of Wisconsin system:

Female students are almost twice as likely to believe they should report an instructor who says something that some students feel causes harm.

A friend points out woke censorship isn’t like in 1984 where Big Brother is always watching. Instead, we live under the tyranny of Little Sister always watching you, and if you say something that hurts her feelings, she’ll tell Mom and then you’ll be in trouble!

Here’s the full report:

UW System Student Views on Freedom of Speech
Summary of Survey Responses
February 1, 2023

The University of Wisconsin system consists of its famous flagship, UW-Madison, and 12 less prestigious Directional State–type campuses.

Females are more likely than males to…

– identify as non-cisgender (13% of responding females, 9% of responding males)
-identify as non-heterosexual (30% of females, 17% of males)
-be majoring in the social sciences (37% vs 16%) or health sciences (13% vs 5%); and less likely to be in the natural sciences (22% vs 45%) or business (16% vs 24%)
-identify as a member of the Democratic party (44% vs 22%; and less likely to identify with any of the other parties)
-lean liberal (where 1 = Very liberal, 5 = Very conservative; Female M = 2.51, SD = 1.19; Male M = 3.11)

The least sacralized political topic on these campuses is “bridges and roads,” while the topic least open to debate is “transgender issues”:

On the other hand, Madison students are somewhat more inclined to view politically offensive statements as causing harm (47%) than the average student in the whole UW system (37%):

So, yeah, lots of college kids in Wisconsin subscribe to the “Speech Is Violence / Violence Is Speech” worldview, with females, humanities majors, the sexually divergent, minorities, and especially very liberals feeling that, say, inviting Charles Murray to lecture is violence, while window-smashing and arson in the name of George Floyd is a Mostly Peaceful Protest.

In general, I think college orientations should include female-only warnings that science has discovered that Feelings seem extremely important to 18-year-old young women, but university campuses cannot be dictated to by coeds with hurt feelings. So it is up to you students to develop some maturity and realize other people are going to say things that hurt your feelings. You are perfectly entitled to say things in return to them that may hurt their feelings — we call that “debate” and we encourage it — but the campus authorities are not here to punish for you your rivals who hurt your feelings with words.

Wisconsin-Madison is one of the top state flagship public universities, not as famous as Berkeley or even Ann Arbor, but ahead of, say, Missouri or Connecticut.

Unsurprisingly, Madison’s student body is more elite and liberal than the other campuses.

This allows us to test stereotypes of elite colleges vs. non-elite colleges.

Strikingly, of the 13 UW colleges, Madison has the second lowest percentage of students identifying as “non-cisgender” and the fewest no responses. (Note that Madison’s sample size of about 1100 is pretty robust: that’s big enough for a Presidential election poll.) This contradicts the stereotype that transmania is only infecting privileged upper-middle-class kids, such as UW-Madison students. Instead, the highest percentages of students claiming to be non-cisgender were at urban UW-Milwaukee and remote UW-Superior near Duluth.

Madison has the same number of students identifying as Not Heterosexual, 25.0%, as the entire system average, 24.9%.

So whatever is going on to mess with the heads of college students to keep them from admitting their natural urges toward the opposite sex so badly appears to be about equally malign at both a Tier 2 college, Wisconsin-Madison, as at nearby Tier 3 colleges.

Now, among students at No Name Directional State public colleges in a flyover state, we are seeing 10% identify as “not-cisgender” and 25% as “not-heterosexual.”

Social contagion has caused the gender mind viruses to reach pandemic status among run-of-the-mill middle-class youth.

My impression from glancing at the numbers is that Madison students’ firmer grip on gender sanity is related to Madison having far more natural science majors than other campuses.

[Comment at Unz.com]

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