Live Webcast Of John Fonte’s Sovereignty Or Submission At 12:00 to 1:30 PM EST
John Fonte, whose work we've written about here for years, has a new book called Sovereignty Or Submission, about the dangers of transnationalism, with an introuction by
John O’sullivan.
Hudson Institute’s Center for American Common Culture cordially invites you to a book discussion of…
Sovereignty or Submission: Will Americans Rule Themselves or Be Ruled by Others?
Wednesday, September 21
12:00 to 1:30 pm
In his new book, Sovereignty or Submission? (Encounter), Hudson Senior Fellow John Fonte argues that the twenty-first century will witness an epic struggle between the forces of global governance and the sovereignty of liberal democratic states, particularly the U.S. and Israel.
Transnationalists in the United Nations, European Union, but, most importantly, among America’s leading elites, seek to establish a "global rule of law." America’s voluntary submission to global legal authority would be presented to the American people in rather Orwellian fashion as "leadership" and "engagement."
The global governance project may be utopian, but efforts to implement it ultimately challenge American democracy. Nowhere is this more evident than with the upcoming meeting of the UN General Assembly, which will highlight efforts by the forces of global governance to determine the rules by which democracies defend themselves and decide domestic policy.
Please join Center for American Common Culture Director and author John Fonte, along with John O’sullivan, Vice President of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, and James Pinkerton, Fox News commentator and BMW advisor, for a lively discussion of the book.