London Bridge Outrage Brings Out Hatred — Against President Trump

By James Fulford


I was going to put this as the image above:

I decided to go with the Drudge Report instead. [Archive Link]

There’s been a terror attack on London Bridge — similar to the attack on Westminster Bridge in March — if you take John Derbyshire’s Absimilation On Westminster Bridge: The Japanese Were Right. The British Were Wrong,based on his podcast Radio Derb: Life In Derbistan (London As It Used To Be), Etc. you may have a better idea of what’s going on than the MSM will tell you about what’s happening now.

I went on Twitter, and found their was predictable outrage — not against Muslims, preachers of hate, Saudi sponsors of terror, or the Labour Party which opened the floodgates of non-white immigration for political reasons. It was outrage against the President of the United States, who had, as Patrick Cleburne pointed out, the correct response:

SHAME ON YOU, @POTUS @realDonaldTrump for dedicating your first Tweet after tonight’s #LondonBridge attack to your immoral #MuslimBan.

— Anne Frank Center USA (@AnneFrankCenter) June 3, 2017

This is outrageous. Trump’s 1st tweet about #LondonBridge incidents isn’t from law enforcement or first responders. It’s from Drudge Report.

— Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D (@RVAwonk) June 3, 2017

A reminder about Trump’s "Muslim Ban" shot down by a variety of disloyal judges — it was the same ban Obama put on seven Muslim countries where terror is rife in 2011, and then lifted after he was reelected — see my January post on it here, or this by Sean Davis:

Can’t load tweet Sorry, that page does not exist

What I said was that I think Obama’s defenders feel that it’s the same as his “opposition” to gay marriage–he may have banned Muslim immigrants from ISIS-type countries in 2011, when he was facing reelection but he didn’t really mean it.

Trump, by contrast, really wants to protect America, and there’s a lot of opposition to that.

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