Lou Dobbs Gushes Over Senator Cornyn

By Rob Sanchez


Last week Lou Dobbs had a very good show about H-1B. At issue is the new bill by Senator Cornyn to raise the H-1B cap.

Dobbs asked Bill Tucker an excellent question and Tucker fired off with the perfect answer: H-1B visas go mainly to low skilled entry level jobs!

It was a great report, except that Dobbs blew it right towards the end by showing undue respect for Cornyn.

DOBBS: This is, to me, shocking. Senator Cornyn, in most other respects, has demonstrated himself to be an able senator, man of integrity, and a well-informed senator. There is no possible explanation that this sponsorship is anything more than a reflexive, acquiescence to the demands of corporate lobbyists, putting intense pressure on Lieberman and Cornyn and all the other senators involved. This is so disappointing when it comes to Senator Cornyn. [ LOU DOBBS TONIGHT Aired April 15, 2008 — 19:30 ET]

This isn’t the first time Dobbs has coddled Cornyn. Every time Cornyn is on the show Dobbs gushes all over him. This is just one example:

"I will tell you straightforward. I think the Kyl-Cornyn legislation, if Senator Cornyn were here I would call it the Cornyn- Kyl legislation, I think a reasonable, intelligent basis to proceed." Lou Dobbs, Lou Dobbs Tonight, CNN, March 28, 2006

What was Dobbs thinking? The Kyl-Cornyn bill was an amnesty bill with a huge H-1B increase, so Dobbs' assessment was just plain wrong. I could write a book about Cornyn’s efforts to push H-1B increases — he has been trying to push H-1B increases ever since he became a Senator in 2003. In 2004 he was co-sponsor of the Kennedy amnesty bill and more recently in 2007 he co-sponsored the SKIL bill. The SKIL bill could be the worst escalation of guest worker visas and green cards ever, and Cornyn is still trying to get it passed either as a stand alone bill or as an amendment to something else.

I don’t know how else to put it — Cornyn stinks on H-1B and he stinks on almost every other substantial immigration issue.

Bottom line is this: It shouldn’t have taken Dobbs this long to get a clue. Dobbs invited Cornyn back to the show. If that happens hopefully Dobbs will put an end to the love fest.

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