Lowlights From A "When Illegal Aliens Say 'Jump,' You Just Ask 'How High?'" Conference

By VDARE.com Reader


Paul Nachman writes:

On Saturday, a number of us patriotic sorts listened in to a conference among reconquistas and their fellow travelers who were planning the nationwide May 1, 2006 "Day Without An Immigrant" events. The conference was at the University of California, Riverside, and people joined in by phone from around the country. I noted callers from New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, Florida, and Des Moines. One caller said that he represented the Southern California Anarchists' Federation and that they would be cooperating on 5/1 by trying to shut down the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Anarchists' Federation!!! [I dialed in and listened without making my presence known, though at times I was sorely tempted to holler "Viva la migra!" into my phone to see if this would spook the proceedings.] Some of the discussion was in Spanish and, thus, lost on me, but more was in English. Here’s what I heard: The word "amnesty" was used quite freely among the conferees. I think this should be useful for discussions we have with our "leaders" in the Senate, whose diversionary response to our objections has been "It’s not an amnesty!" Well, if the would-be beneficiaries call it an amnesty, that’s good enough for me. Of course, the conferees also said "legalization," but "amnesty" was used as much as anything else. When he wrapped up his opening remarks, Nativo Lopez employed the line "legalization/amnesty, call it what you will." Lopez (a prominent race hustler/agitator who was recalled from the Santa Ana, CA school board in February, 2003 because of his mania to imprison kids in bilingual education, defying California’s Proposition 227 — and whose given name is "Lawrence"!) was the main speaker. Referring to this week’s developments on Capitol Hill, he said that in the Senate, "Everything is up in the air." He also stated that "A draw [i.e. no bill this Congress] is a victory for our forces." This squares with what Rick Oltman of FAIR says: The status quo is pretty much just fine for the "cheap" labor forces and their allies of convenience in the ethnic-grievance brigades. Lopez said the May Day festivities across the country will support four demands: 1. Immediate and unconditional legalization of all illegal aliens. [12 million was the number "without documents" that he cited.] 2. No border walls. 3. No criminalization of process or person. 4. Protect workers' rights and civil liberties. Given demand #1, one wonders why they care about #3, but logic has never been the reconquistas' strong point. Demand #2 might be useful for our side. If our opponents [heck, enemies] were "merely" concerned with amnestying those here, why would they care about a fence on the border? Surely they don’t give a hoot about the borderland ecology and its animal inhabitants! Instead, #2 is simply more proof — not that we need it, but perhaps it will sober up the larger society — that their program is infinite importation of more legions like themselves. (Which also proves how deeply stupid these people are, since this would destroy the U.S. as a first-world society. If it isn’t already doomed …) The other notable thing Lopez said was that Senate "compromises" like the Hagel-Martinez version of amnesty are unacceptable. He’s "adamantly opposed to a ’stratified' program, because all of our people have earned legalization." Well, Hagel and Martinez would instantly amnesty virtually everyone who’s been here illegally more than 5 years. Those here 2 to 5 years would have to go through some meaningless kabuki dance at the border to get amnestied. And those here less than 2 years would be deported. (As Mark Steyn has pointed out, who has records we could trust to make these distinctions, anyway?) But, according to Lopez, that wouldn’t be good enough. So, in effect, he was saying that anyone who has made it across the border — even, we have to conclude, someone who sneaked across five minutes ago — has earned amnesty. Discussing the mass tantrums we've recently seen in Los Angeles, Chicago, and elsewhere, Lopez described them as "having had a patriotic tenor." Right! The program for May 1, he said, is "No work, no school, no shopping, and no selling," the last meaning that stores owned by illegal aliens, immigrants, and their sympathizers should close for the day. In subsequent discussion, one girl — who sounded distinctly Anglo to me — said "We want amnesty for all [i.e. Mexicans plus Filipinos, Caribbeans, etc.] so it’s important to show American flags to indicate what people want to join, not where they come from." This was disputed. Someone said, no, bring Mexican flags. Some other guy said, "We're going to move forward, and we're not going to impose the American flag on anyone." Thus, may millions of Mexican flags flap in American cities on May Day — and rekindle patriotism in millions of Americans!

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