Lydia Brimelow: A Message To Our Supporters On Recurring PayPal Donations

By Lydia Brimelow


I just sent this email to our regular contributors:

Dear Friend,

You’re receiving this email because you may have/had an automatic recurring donation set up with

As you may be aware, we were purged by PayPal, our payment processor of around 10 years, just last week. Luckily, our team had saw this threat long ago, and had taken steps to minimize disruption. Our emergency planning worked as intended, and I am extremely grateful to all of our donors who stepped up with individual donations to bridge the gap.

The Bad News: Paypal succeeded in knocking out all of our recurring donations. In total, we lost 792 subscriptions of varying amounts, adding up to several thousand dollars a month in donations — a crippling proportion of our operating budget.

The Good News: As of yesterday, we have a brand new system for recurring donations, and on the basis of the tests I have done myself, it works like a charm. I sincerely hope you will renew your subscription with us.

There is a small change imposed on us with the new system: where once you could customize the amount of your donation to the penny, we now offer set dollar amounts. If these amounts do not fit your needs, please contact me directly at the email address below.

To reinstate your recurring donation, please visit Select the dollar amount that suits you and make sure the “Make this a recurring monthly payment” option is checked. Then, complete the billing information forms. Once the donation has gone through successfully you will get an email receipt articulating the details of your monthly plan.

Thank you so very much for your support during this challenging time. is not going anywhere, no matter what the Totalitarian Left throws our way. We are the voice of the Historic American Nation, and we will not be silenced!


Lydia Brimelow

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