Lydia Brimelow Says Halfway There! But We Need Your Help To Defend An American America!

By Lydia Brimelow


Lydia Brimelow

We are just about halfway through our Spring Appeal, and we very much need your help to get to the end.

Your gift is extremely important because, in our line of work, we can’t count on the Ford Foundations and the George Soroses of the world to line our coffers. All we have is you. (And if you have pockets Soros deep, what are you waiting for?!!)

Click here to donate now!’s mission is education on two main issues:

In short, we advocate for an American America.

We do this through the webzine and VDARE Books, public speaking, conferences, debates, webinars and media appearances. And we absolutely need your help to make it happen.

This year, our mission is being carried out in the following high-impact ways:

  1. On, we have posted 937 items so far this year (about 270 per month), in the form of articles, blogs and letters.
  1. In the publishing house, we are ramping up our production of books! Thanks to you, we have announced two new books this year (the 2013 Anthology, and From The Dissident Right II, a collection by John Derbyshire) and we have several more that I cannot wait to produce.
  1. On the ground, we’re stepping it up with at least one special event a month! Events like these are closed-to-the-public, donors-only affairs aimed at network development among our supporters, building support for our cause and really building a positive momentum toward patriotic immigration reform. (If you would like your name included on future invitation lists, and especially if you are interested in hosting a event, please let me know at .)

In the last ten days, about 175 of our supporters have pushed just over halfway to our $40,000 goal.

Now is the time for you to join our ranks with a donation.

Help us publish the facts. Help us build a movement. Help us today.

With Appreciation,

Lydia Brimelow

PS: Monthly giving is the best option for both and our supporters because it allows us to have a dependable base of support all through the year, as well as saving money in our fundraising budget. It provides predictable funding that allows us to plan and budget for our campaigns more effectively. For our supporters, it allows you to make a small monthly contribution and still play a major role in defending an American America.

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