Mainstream Poll Shows Continuing Support for Arizona Immigration Enforcement

By Brenda Walker


(See also CNN Poll Says 75% Of Americans Approve Arizona’s Anti Illegal Immigration Law. Says: Where Is GOP?)

It must be disappointing to the anti-border extremists over at la Raza (aka “the Race”) that two years of an intense campaign of lies and propaganda against Arizona’s sensible immigration enforcement law has had little effect. The majority of American citizens want immigration to be a legal and controlled procedure, where the decision of who gets US citizenship is not decided by foreign lawbreakers.

A recent survey conducted by CBS and the New York Times found a majority thought the law was “about right.” Only 33 percent believed it “went too far.” Apparently all the shrieking that immigration enforcement in Arizona was “racism” didn’t sell very well.

Another interesting item was the belief among the public (62%) that immigration enforcement was a job for both the federal and state governments.

Of course, legal issues are not determined by public opinion, but certainly the people notice that federal and state governments work in partnership every day to enforce the law.

Here’s the CBS report of its own poll:

Poll: Most Americans think Arizona immigration law is “about right”, CBS News, June 7, 2012 6:30 PM

(CBS News) As the Supreme Court weighs a decision on Arizona’s controversial immigration law this summer, a new CBS News/New York Times poll shows that more than half of Americans see the law as “about right.”

The legislation, which was signed into law in April 2010, is considered among the most stringent immigration laws in the nation. It requires Arizona law enforcement members to check the citizenship status of anyone they believe appears to be an undocumented immigrant — and has incited much controversy about whether or not it effectively legalizes racial profiling in a state with a heavy Latino population.

According to the survey, conducted from May 31-June 3 among 976 adults nationwide, 52 percent of Americans believe Arizona’s immigration policy is about right, while 33 percent say it goes too far. Eleven percent say the law does not go far enough.

The U.S. Department of Justice is challenging the law on the grounds that it conflicts with what it contends is the federal government’s exclusive right to set immigration laws for the country.

Most Americans seem to disagree. Sixty-two percent of respondents — and majorities of Republicans, Democrats, and independents — say both the federal government and state governments should be able to determine laws regarding undocumented immigrants. Twenty-five percent (30 percent of Democrats and 16 percent of Republicans) think such laws should be determined exclusively by the federal government, and 11 percent (4 percent of Democrats and 15 percent of Republicans) think they should be determined by state governments only.

As to what Americans think should happen to undocumented immigrants who are currently working in the U.S., 43 percent think they should be allowed to stay and apply for citizenship, 21 percent think they should be allowed only as guest workers, and 32 percent think they should required to leave the country. These percentages have been generally consistent for the past three years.

President Obama has criticized the Arizona legislation as a “misguided” law that “threatened to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe. “¬† The tensions between his position on the issue and that of Republican Arizona Governor Jan Brewer were highlighted earlier this year when the two engaged in a seemingly heated exchange when Mr. Obama arrived in Phoenix for a visit.

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