Make Sioux County, Iowa More Like Honduras!

By Steve Sailer


I wrote about the articulate Steve King, Republican Congressman from northwest Iowa a couple of weeks ago in Taki’s in a column whose title was drawn from an NYT article describing the talking heads’ response to one of his obviously true statements: “Frantic Yelling Ensued.”

Today, the NYT tries a different tack: rather than get into a debate with King, which they would probably lose, go to northwest Iowa and browbeat inarticulate locals into more or less agreeing with the Good People’s party line on King:

‘Way Out of Line’: Iowa Voters Rethink Support for Steve King


ORANGE CITY, Iowa — A year ago, Evan Wielenga, 40, believed — as does his congressman, Steve King — that undocumented immigrants should all be deported. They broke the law to enter the country. They spoke little English. They strained schools and public services.

But as talk of a border wall and a Muslim ban overtook the presidential campaign, Mr. Wielenga, the agronomy manager of a farmers’ co-op here in northwestern Iowa, had a change of heart.

He heard dairy farmers say they couldn’t get their cows milked without immigrants. “You can put an ad in the paper and you won’t get two white guys to apply,” said Mr. Wielenga, who grew up on a dairy farm himself. …

Mr. King, a Republican who has displayed a Confederate battle flag on his desk in Washington, shows no sign of budging in his views. His latest anti-immigrant tirade — “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies,” he said — once again drew wide condemnation and critical attention to Iowa’s Fourth Congressional District, whose voters overwhelmingly re-elected him to an eighth term in November.

Sioux County, Mr. Wielenga’s home, provided the largest margin in the 39-county district, Iowa’s most conservative.

In economist Raj Chetty’s 2015 study of the best counties to raise children for upward income mobility, Sioux County, Iowa ranked as the best county in the United States.

Thefore, it must be destroyed.

… But in conversations over four days with residents who voted for Mr. King, a new chorus of earnest naysayers could also be heard in many corners of the district. …

Again and again, voters brought up how much Mr. King’s district has changed since his election 15 years ago. Though still overwhelmingly white, it has absorbed a sizable population of Hispanics who have taken hard-to-fill jobs and opened small businesses in the empty storefronts of struggling towns. …

Mr. Wielenga, the agronomist, suggested that northwestern Iowa, with its proud Dutch heritage, may have grown too insular, too complacent, during Mr. King’s tenure in Congress. He called it a safe community and a great place to raise children.

Make Sioux County miserable for once!
He has four daughters and is the board president of Hull Christian School, where Mr. Wielenga said only one of the 100 families who send children to the private school is Hispanic. He said some of the area’s churches were entirely white.

“We talk about this at school,” Mr. Wielenga said: “Are we living in a bubble? And is that what God is calling us to do — to live in a bubble?”

Who wants a bubble of safety and good behavior around their four daughters? That’s disgusting.

Make Sioux County more like Honduras!

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