Manhattan’s Collegiate School Slays White Mascot After YEARS Of Struggle Sessions
It is at any rate indisputable that some citizens have way too much time on their hands.
Case in point: a task force of seventeen people assembled by an elite prep school in New York City to update the school’s brand.
This is Collegiate School in the Upper West Side of Manhattan: boys only, kindergarten to 12th grade, annual tuition $57,800. Collegiate is one of the oldest schools in the country, founded in 1628.
Why does Collegiate want to upgrade their brand? Quote from them:
To combat … the institutional and other racism that pervades so much of our society.
So this is not so much a makeover as a woke-over.
The main targets of this task force’s efforts were the school’s mascot and its motto.
The mascot is a cheerful Dutchman in 18th-century dress, carrying a cane and sporting a wooden leg. It’s generally assumed to be a representation of historically one-legged Peter Stuyvesant, the last Dutch governor of the New Amsterdam colony, which is what New York was called in 1628.
The Dutchman is white, and of course that won’t do. The task force wants to revise the mascot to a rather creepy sketch of a figure holding up a lantern, his face entirely hidden by his hat. He could be any race, you see? No white supremacy here!
The school’s motto, prominent on the school seal, is Nisi Dominus frustra — "Unless God, then in vain." The seal also displays the words "Founded A.D. 1628," "A.D." of course meaning Anno Domini, "Year of the Lord."
So that’s two mentions of God, which of course was two too many for the woke warriors of this task force. The motto is being changed to "Wisdom, Community, Kindness," to be put into Latin when they can find someone who knows Latin. The "A.D." I guess will become "C.E.," which does not stand for "Christian Era." Christians are white and therefore evil. Correct your thinking, Comrade!
Reading about this in my New York Post, the thing that stuck me most forcibly was the sheer amount of time and effort that went into this rebranding.
Our long national nightmare is over?
The $60,000-a-school drastically alters its winking playful mascot image, tosses “God” from its motto and even “A.D.” from its seal, considering them potentially offensive.
— White Men Are Stupid In Commercials (@StupidWhiteAds) February 1, 2022
The task force, as I said, has seventeen members — including, by the way, David Letterman’s wife. They deliberated over this rebranding for three years — three blessed years, listeners. Their final report on their deliberations runs to, wait for it … four hundred and seven pages!
So yes, there are a lot of people in America with wa-a-a-a-ay too much time on their hands.