Marco Rubio’s DNA: More Than 92 Percent White
By Steve Sailer
On tonight’s episode of #FindingYourRoots, we reveal that @MarcoRubio’s direct maternal line was Native American.
— Henry Louis Gates Jr (@HenryLouisGates) February 13, 2019
Rubio’s ancestry appears to be over 90% European, 4.6% Amerindian, and 1.6% African. In the direct female line (mother to daughter all the way down the family tree), he’s pure Native American from a tribe in Cuba for thousands of years.
This sounds plausible. Rubio is right on the borderline of looking either All White or A Little Mixed. Some of his siblings look a little less all white than him.
Razib, who consults for Finding Your Roots, has some comments. He’s long contended that Senator Warren’s DNA consultant at Stanford shot her in the foot by being excessively cautious in contending she was only in the range of 1/64th to 1/1024th Amerindian, with a midpoint of 1/256th.
If you missed last night’s episode of #FindingYourRoots, you can watch the full episode online now:
— Henry Louis Gates Jr (@HenryLouisGates) February 13, 2019