An illegal alien from Brazil, Marcelo Almeida, recently stabbed to death 24 year old Patricia Frois, another Brazilian immigrant (status not yet known), in the quaint seaside town of Marshfield, Massachusetts. [Cops Nab Murder Suspect, By Maria Szaniszlo, Boston Herald, September 27, 2011]
They both worked at a local Wendy’s, where Frois often showed up at work with bruises on her face and body.
State and local police scoured Marshfield with police dogs and helicopters in search of Almeida, and the public schools were in total lockdown until he was found hiding in someone’s backyard.
Marshfield is a tony town. Actor Steve Carrell lives there and owns the local general store. Things like this aren’t supposed to happen in Marshfield.
The problem is that such immigrant crimes are no longer confined to the shabby sections of Boston and Worcester. They’re spreading to the nicest suburbs.
Just days ago, police in affluent Boxborough arrested a previously deported Mexican illegal on drunk-driving. It was his sixth OUI. [Authorities Say OUI Suspect Has Been Deported Three Times, By Kendall Hatch, MetroWest DailyNews, September 27, 2011]
All of this is coming on the heels of the infamous vehicular manslaughter of Matthew Denice in Milford by a drunken Ecuadorean illegal, and the ongoing circus of Lowell’s Dominican-born Mayor William Lantigua.
Diversity is no longer a strength when your kid’s school is in lockdown. Thankfully, the local politicians, except for the post-racial Gov. Deval Patrick, are starting to get the message.
Three Massachusetts county sheriffs (soon to be four) have already gone over Gov. Deval Patrick’s head and have signed on to Secure Communities. The state legislature is also mulling tough immigrant enforcement legislation.[Illegal Immigration: New Bill Proposed, MyFoxBoston.com, September 27, 2011]
Hey, if it can happen in Massachusetts, it can happen anywhere.