Mass Shootings Are Up 72% This Summer Over 2010
By Steve Sailer
From my new column in Taki’s Magazine:
Just Knock It Off
Steve SailerSeptember 02, 2020
This week the mainstream media finally grudgingly admitted the possibility of what I’ve been hollering for three months: that their declaration of a “racial reckoning” has unleashed destruction and mayhem across America.
While most of the press’ attention is focused on a handful of whites shooting other whites over politics, the statistically much bigger phenomenon all summer has been the Black Lives Matter-inspired rise in black-on-black shootings.
For example, the number of shooting victims in New York City so far this year is up 95 percent over 2019. While the press is now harping on supposed right-wing violence, there probably aren’t a lot of violent Trumpists in the Bronx.
What about elsewhere? National crime data trickles in slowly, but one useful source is the Wikipedia page on mass shootings (defined as incidents in which four or more people were struck by bullets, but not necessarily killed).
With one day left in August, the total number of mass shootings in the U.S. since June 1 is 257, up 72 percent from 149 in 2019’s same period.
Read the whole thing there.