
Mayor Of Florence, Italy, Urged Locals To "Hug A Chinese" In Early February To Dispel "Prejudice"

By James Fulford


Paul Joseph Watson at Summit News writes:

Mayor of Florence Encouraged Italians to “Hug a Chinese” Before Coronavirus Pandemic Hit

Virtue-signaling stunt intended to prove Italians weren’t racist.

If you have difficulty believing that, here’s a Tweet from Florence Mayor Dario Nardella, with evidence. (Archived.)

#coronavirus: seguiamo le indicazioni delle autorità sanitarie e usiamo cautela, ma nessun terrorismo psicologico e soprattutto basta con i soliti sciacalli che non vedevano l’ora di usare questa scusa per odiare e insultare. Uniti in questa battaglia comune! #AbbracciaUnCinese pic.twitter.com/pUdqEl0piW

— Dario Nardella (@DarioNardella) February 1, 2020

Then there’s this:

A video shows a Chinese man wearing a blindfold and a face mask in Florence asking for hugs. Numerous people embrace the man while some physically remove his blindfold and mask.

Watson says

The story is yet another illustration of how political correctness can actually sometimes be dangerous if not fatal.

Actually, political correctness is fatal a lot of the time. But this is worse than usual.

In 2003, the Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien, made a point of going to a Chinese restaurant during the SARS epidemic [Asians no SARS risk, PM says, by Gloria Galloway, Toronto Globe & Mail, April 11, 2003]. In fact, SARS didn’t affect many non-Chinese, as reported here, but not a lot of other places.

The current Prime Minister of Canada has quarantined himself after his wife developed Coronavirus symptoms.

JUST IN: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Gregoire Trudeau are self-isolating after she experienced possible COVID-19 symptoms, spokesperson says. https://t.co/KUJ7u0QAQy

— ABC News (@ABC) March 12, 2020

And because we're talking about Justin Trudeau, here he is at various Chinese New Year’s Celebrations, dressed in Chinese costume:

Trudeau marks Chinese New Year with Hazel McCallion at event in Toronto https://t.co/csX6xQW3e2 #cdnpoli pic.twitter.com/sIcQ8GCtdE

— CP24 (@CP24) February 7, 2016

Can’t load tweet https://x.com/CandyTruong0122/status/1122643335590686726: Sorry, you are not authorized to see this status.

. @JustinTrudeau @HedyFry and @joycemurray about to ring in Chinese New Year at the Aberdeen Centre in #RichmondBC pic.twitter.com/nt9YIApWiD

— Marlene Floyd (@marlenefloyd) January 31, 2014

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