McCain Massacred In Kansas — Paul Preoccupied With Texas

By Peter Brimelow


Ron Paul people are understandably depressed as much as anyone by Super Tuesday Even the sources who confidently expected Paul would run as an independent — from which point of view John McCain is the perfect foil — are reduced to hoping the Texas Congressman will reconsider his Friday night refusal to do so once he nails down his Congressional GOP nomination in the March 4 Texas primary. (He’s reportedly worried, but elected officials always worry).

Meanwhile, Mike Huckabee has massacred John McCain in the Kansas caucuses, results just reported. This is continued evidence of the GOP’s profound malaise.

I continue to think, as the late Lynn Nofziger, Ronald Reagan’s long-time aide, wrote shortly before he died in 2006, that all the preconditions are now present for a Third Party. I realize that this marks me out (not for the first time) as a kook. But I've seen it before, in Canada. And, hey, it’s more interesting than shilling for President Giuliani.

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