McCain Talking up "Immigration Reform"
By Allan Wall
Well, it’s no big surprise, but John McCain is already making "immigration reform", which in his mind must include amnesty, a priority of his administration, should he win. In a piece on The New York Times Politics Blog, "McCain Says Immigration Reform Should be Top Priority" (May 22nd, 2008), Michael Luo reports that
In yet another sign of his pivoting toward the general election, Senator John McCain said at a roundtable with business leaders here today that comprehensive immigration reform should be a top priority for the next president.
McCain said it "at a business roundtable held at a Silicon Valley technology firm" where business leaders were complaining about the reputed difficulty of obtaining H1B visas for foreigners. Quoth John McCain : " … we must enact comprehensive immigration reform. We must make it a top agenda item if we don’t do it before, and we probably won’t, a little straight talk, as of January 2009.” McCain’s final sentence is a little garbled, but it sounds clear to me that Candidate McCain is pledging himself to start working on "comprehensive immigration reform", which for him includes amnesty, on Day One of his presidency. Also in attendance was Governor Schwarzenegger, who also supports "immigration reform" and says it can’t be achieved piecemeal. The Terminator even exhorted his fellow roundtablers to work towards that goal:”I think all of us have to keep that pressure on Congress." At another juncture during the same roundtable, McCain discussed illegal aliens :
Later, Mr. McCain took up the topic again, saying the problem of what to do with illegal immigrants already here needs to be solved, saying “they are also God’s children, and we have to do it in a human and compassionate fashion,” which drew applause from his audience.
So is McCain saying that those who are currently illegal aliens in the U.S. can’t be God’s children if they return to Mexico ?