By Steve Sailer
Earlier: The Great Hair-Touching Crisis Of Our Times Worsens
As we all know, race does not exist: there is the most genetic diversity among sub-Saharan Africans.
Except, never forget, race totally exists when it comes to Black Women’s Hair. From Manufacturing Business Technology:
Professor Brings Compassion to Engineering & Design
Going outside the “traditional engineering box.”Apr 29th, 2021
Interview with Tahira Reid, Purdue University
Tahira Reid Smith (left) works with colleagues using an infrared microscope to study how heat affects hair.
Mark Simons/Purdue University
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Tahira Reid leads a lab focused on human-centered design. Over her career, she’s gone outside the “traditional engineering box” and integrated compassion for the users of products and services into the design process — what she and colleagues refer to as “compassionate design.” She has also leveraged her insights as a Black woman in mechanical engineering in her work. Together, these considerations led to the development of a compassionate design framework that helps engineers think critically about their design decisions and, in her case, an investigation of how heat from flat-irons can damage curly hair.