Medical Education: White Guy Loses His Job For Asking If Low-Rated Minority Students Were "Just Less Good At Being Residents?"
Earlier: WALL STREET JOURNAL: Medical Education Goes Woke
Heather Mac Donald has an expose on affirmative action in medicine. It’s not only being applied to admissions, but tests, graduations, and doctor evaluations:
The Corruption of Medicine
Guardians of the profession discard merit in order to alter the demographics of their field.
Heather Mac Donald
Summer 2022
The post–George Floyd racial reckoning has hit the field of medicine like an earthquake.
The result will be declining quality of medical care and a curtailment of scientific progress.
My long piece from the latest issue of @CityJournal is up.
— Heather Mac Donald (@HMDatMI) August 6, 2022
Ann Coulter points out that this may be dangerous to your health:
News you can use when choosing a doctor:
Only 8% of white college seniors with below-average undergraduate GPAs and MCAT scores were offered a seat in medical school; Over 56% of black college seniors were.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) August 6, 2022
She can do that, but white professors can’t:
Professors from Emory University, Massachusetts General Hospital, and the University of California at San Francisco, among other institutions, analyzed faculty evaluations of internal medicine residents in such areas as medical knowledge and professionalism. On every assessment, black and Hispanic residents were rated lower than white and Asian residents. The researchers hypothesized three possible explanations: bias in faculty assessment, effects of a noninclusive learning environment, or structural inequities in assessment. University of Pennsylvania professor of medicine Stanley Goldfarb tweeted out a fourth possibility: “Could it be [that the minority students] were just less good at being residents?”
So far, this is a non-deleted Tweet — good for Professor Goldfarb:
Association Between Resident Race and Ethnicity and … : Academic Medicine
3 possible explanations provided. All are due to external agents. Could it be they were just less good at being residents?
— Stanley Goldfarb (@one1iron) May 22, 2022
Goldfarb had violated the a priori truth. Punishment was immediate. Predictable tweets called him, inter alia, possibly “the most garbage human being I’ve seen with my own eyes,” and Michael S. Parmacek, chair of the University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Medicine, sent a schoolwide e-mail addressing Goldfarb’s “racist statements.” Those statements had evoked “deep pain and anger,” Parmacek wrote. Accordingly, the school would be making its “entire leadership team” available to “support you,” he said. Parmacek took the occasion to reaffirm that doctors must acknowledge “structural racism.”
That same day, the executive vice president of the University of Pennsylvania for the Health System and the senior vice dean for medical education at the University of Pennsylvania medical school reassured faculty, staff, and students via e-mail that Goldfarb was no longer an active faculty member but rather emeritus. The EVP and the SVD affirmed Penn’s efforts to “foster an anti-racist curriculum” and to promote “inclusive excellence.”
Right. But what if black and Hispanic residents are worse? What does that mean for sick people in Pennsylvania?