Medical "Maltreatment" While In ICE Custody: The Horror …
By Paul Nachman
Friday night (May 16, 2008), VDARE editor Joe Guzzardi gave us an in-depth look at the bleating absurdity of the Washington Post’s recent sob series (and a similar "organ recital" by the 60 Minutes program on CBS) about the purportedly sub-standard medical care provided "immigrants" while they're in Immigration and Customs Enforcement [ICE] detention.
Another useful reaction to this trumped-up "scandal" appeared a few days earlier in a brief entry by Center for Immigration Studies Executive Director Mark Krikorian at National Review Online’s "The Corner" blog. Mark quoted an unnamed insider at the Department of Homeland Security who made a very important and basic point:
One other thing about the Post article on ICE medical care; they make it sound like these people are detained and have no way to leave. That is not true. They can always choose to go back to their country of origin. The only reason anyone is held in detention is because they are fighting deportation and are considered a flight risk. Every one of them could leave detention tomorrow if they would agree to go back home. They chose to stay in detention because they want to fight to get a visa or a green card. Also, if they are sick they get better care in detention than they do at home in many cases. If you read the Post article you would think we lock these people up and don’t let them go home.