The picture above is from the 2007 amnesty attempt that failed horribly — we used it in an appeal where we asked you to help Make Them Laugh Out Of The Other Side Of Their Faces — Give To VDARE.com!, By Peter Brimelow on May 23, 2007
(RNC Chairman Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL), Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Teddy Kennedy (D-Mass) gloating at the May 17, 2007 press conference announcing the Kennedy-Bush Amnesty/ Immigration Surge Bill).
It was originally from a May 18, 2007 Boston Globe article by Susan Milligan saying Adversaries praise a relentless Kennedy | As clock ticked, senator pressed sides for a pact.
Of course, they weren’t really adversaries — it’s the old bipartisan conspiracy against the American people.
But the Republican praise for the evil Senator Kennedy (now dead) was nauseating. Lindsey Graham said “I can’t tell you how impressed I am with Senator Kennedy … " (see Patrick Cleburne here)and the photograph above got bad reactions in the right-wing internet: see Ted Kennedy — Republican Hero? by John Hawkins, Right-Wing News, May 18, 2007.
Just as there is no longer a Soviet Union for Communist sympathizers to betray America to, there is no longer a Ted Kennedy for treacherous Republicans to betray their party (and America) to. They’re making do with Obama and the current Democratic caucus.
In Comprehensive U.S. Immigration Plan Coming This Week -McCain, Newsmax January 27, 2013, we read that McCain recently said
“the plan was much like a 2007 immigration proposal that died during the presidency of George W. Bush.”
And came close to ending his political career, among others. In a recent blog post about political courage, I said that McCain’s survival instincts had caused him to back off this kind of destructive amnesty appeal, but I also said that “ex-fighter pilot and POW McCain does have courage. So does a weasel.” Here we go again!