Memo to McCain: Don’t Count Your Pollos Before They Hatch!

By Joe Guzzardi


I predicted last summer when Rudy Giuliani was riding high, and I projected again during one of his many swings through California, that the former New York would never get the GOP presidential nomination. He’s too New York, too pro-illegal immigration and too bald.

Now it is official: Giuliani is dead meat .

So I’ll make another prediction: McCain will never make it to the top spot either. He’s got too much anti-GOP baggage and as much personal dirt on him as Giuliani does. In McCain’s case it hasn’t all come out yet…but it will.

During our recent interview Todd Hartley, my host on a recent PHXnews.COM Immigration PodCast, told me that McCain is the most hated Republican in Arizona .

A McCain nomination is unlikely for the most obvious of reasons. McCain is committed to George Bush’s Iraq War policy and open borders immigration agenda, the two major factors that have contributed to the president’s 30 percent approval rating.

What’s McCain going to do — campaign on the platform of a sustained war and more immigration? Even against equally staunch proponents of unchecked immigration, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama (who is still promising driver’s licenses to illegal aliens), that’s an invitation for the Democrats to waltz into the White House.

At least Clinton and Obama have the war issue on their side.

The Republicans need to put someone up who at least can give the appearance of being serious about ending illegal immigration: ideally Ron Paul but more probably Mitt Romney .

Here’s something to watch for also. McCain is old! Notice in film clips from his campaign stops McCain’s heavy reliance on railings, his wife’s arm and the presence of aides to help him up and down airplane stairs and on and off the podium.

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