Memo To The Donald: Montana Shows All "Refugee" Importation Needs Shutting Down NOW

By Patrick Cleburne


H/T Refugee Resettlement Watch

Once again, the invaluable webzine The New Observer has posted an incisive essay Bogus Congo Refugees in Montana August 24, 2016

Missoula County in Montana has received its first refugees from the Congo — even though they have been living in a safe third country for more than a decade, and therefore do not qualify as asylum seekers under all international laws.

The Obama regime has undertaken to bring in at least 50,000 such Congolese “refugees” in the next two years.

The good news is

According to the Missoula IRC office director, Molly Short-Carr, the Congolese are “doing well and just beginning to figure out how to use household appliances like their stove.”

Great. Molly Short Carr’s Twitter address is @mollyshortcarr

The bad news is that these Congolese are utterly unfitted to flourish in cognitively-demanding Montana.

According to a March 2016 US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report titled “Congolese Refugee Health Profile,” data shows that 70 percent of Congolese over 18 years of age reported not having a high school diploma or higher level of education.”

According to official reports, the average IQ in the Congo is 78. On the Stanford-Binet IQ testing scale (Stanford–Binet Fifth Edition, SB5, classification), an IQ of between 70 and 79 is officially classed as “Borderline impaired or delayed.”

The link here is to which is a great toy I strongly recommend.

This means that Congolese freezing because they forgot to buy (beg) winter clothing is going to become a regular feature of Montana life.

So will robberies, rapes and murders.

Why is this happening?

Part of the reason is that it is possible to make a career out of getting low-quality people into America — working for the Refugee Industry.

But the main dynamic is that certain evil people see American’s sentimentality as about suffering as a way to destroy their country.

Against their will. See Astonishing Immigration Patriot Victory In Montana — No Thanks To GOP, Which Ran Away (And Lost) and A Montana Reader Reports On A Paul Nachman Speech In Kalispell

Refugee Resettlement Watch of course has a definitive collection of Montana “Refugee” stories here.

Donald Trump has a great opportunity here. Very few voters really like bringing in these incompetents and dumping them on the local welfare system — wholesale repression has needed to keep them ignorant.

But Hillary’s donors demand it.

As Trump said about the Syrians, generous help to refugees near their home countries is more sensible. People may flinch about dealing with illegals already here, but most will concur with not creating more problems.

America does not deserve to be destroyed. Trump should call for ALL Refugee importation to be stopped. Not just Syrians.

Over to you, Donald.

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