Merkel’s Plan For Germany: Promote Immivasion, Suppress Free Speech — And Collect Bribe?
H/T Pic JRD.
Depressing news keeps coming out of Germany: Merkel continues to hold a convincing lead in the latest German election poll Mike Paterson Sun 2 Jul 2017
Latest poll results published by EMNID yesterday 2 July• CDU/CSU 39%
• SPD 24%
• Greens 8%
• FDP 8%
• Linke 9%
• AdD 7%
• Others 5%
Earlier in the week the Forsa poll had the Conservatives on 40%, the best showing since Sept 2015.
Election takes place on 24 September and looming ever closer.
This is the Angela Merkel who has virtually singlehandedly created the situation I discussed in Why Is Merkel Turning Germany Majority Non-White In A Generation? and Allan Wall in Ethnic Germans Now A Minority In Frankfurt
Although the American MSM persists in calling Merkel and the Christian Democratic Union ‘Conservative’ this is a blatant falsehood given the facts. Just this past week Merkel U-turned to allow homosexual marriage. And the CDU’s Bavarian satellite the Christian Social Union was humiliated on the immivasion issue:
The sister parties, however, will not agree on a joint position on refugees. The CSU wants an upper limit of 200,000 per year, which Merkel and the CDU rejects."We agree to disagree on that," Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere (CDU) said in a Bild am Sonntag newspaper interview, referring to the issue that split the two parties badly since some 1 million refugees arrived in late 2015.
Why is this happening?
The obvious reason is Parties #2 and #3 are even worse on this subject. A small consolation is that the Afd, as far as I know the only sensible party, may break the anti-democratic 5% threshold to get into the Bundestag.
The underlying reason is that now three generations of Germans have been subjected to brutal Mao style brain-washing about issues of nationality and race — as opposed only about one in America. Significantly, traffic from the four countries of Scandinavia regularly surpasses that from Germany even though their combined population is less than a third.
But egregious facts wake people up and change minds. This is why Delete Hate Speech or Pay Up, Germany Tells Social Media Companies, By Melissa Eddy and Mark Scott, The New York Times June 30,2017 is happening
BERLIN — Social media companies operating in Germany face fines of as much as $57 million if they do not delete illegal, racist or slanderous comments and posts within 24 hours under a law passed on Friday.The law reinforces Germany’s position as one of the most aggressive countries in the Western world at forcing companies like Facebook, Google and Twitter to crack down on hate speech and other extremist messaging on their digital platforms….
Germany witnessed an increase in racist comments and anti-immigrant language after the arrival of more than a million migrants, predominantly from Muslim countries, since 2015…
Major Media and Public forums in Germany have long been closed: see Thilo Sarrazin on the Limits of Free Speech in Germany. Now they are coming for the Internet.
Anyone complacent enough to this cannot happen here should read carefully U.S. Trying to Criminalize Free Speech — Again by Judith Bergman Gatestone Institute June 20,2017
Or try to invoke his Second Amendment rights to buy and carry a gun in New York City.
I repeat: Merkel: Gone Mad — Or Bribed? GOP Example Suggests The Latter.