Message From Phyllis Schlafly: Attempted Coup At Eagle Forum
I just received this in email, forwarded by one of Schlafly’s associates, saying that there’s a takeover attempt at Eagle Forum:
"At 2pm today, 6 directors of Eagle Forum met in an improper, unprecedented telephone meeting. I objected to the meeting and at 2:11pm, I was muted from the call. The meeting was invalid under the Bylaws but the attendees purported to pass several motions to wrest control of the organization from me. They are attempting to seize access to our bank accounts, to terminate employees, and to install members of their own Gang of 6 to control the bank accounts and all of Eagle Forum.
"The members of their group are: Eunie Smith of Alabama, Anne Cori of Missouri, Cathie Adams of Texas, Rosina Kovar of Colorado, Shirley Curry of Tennessee, and Carolyn McLarty of Oklahoma.
"This kind of conduct will not stand and I will fight for Eagle Forum and I ask all men and women of good will to join me in this fight."
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Mrs. Schlafly has been a valiant fighter on the immigration issue,and has endorsed Donald Trump, which may be the problem.