Mexican Admits Hate Crime Hoax

By Brenda Walker


Open-borders Mexicans were thrilled a couple weeks ago with the report that Rancho Cucamonga day laborer Jose Felix Gutierrez had been kidnapped "by a white man" and forcibly removed to Tijuana with his hands cuffed. Mexicans wanted to blame the "crime" on the Minutemen who have been protesting the illegal laborers at the local Home Depot.

Come to find out, there was no crime at all. Mr. Gutierrez had a little psychological problem, we are told, resulting in his telling complete lies about what happened to him, making his sudden disappearance a false victimhood tale.

When San Bernardino County sheriff’s investigators talked to Jose Feliz Gutierrez by phone, he said the kidnapping story he told to his sister was a lie.

"Jose stated he had left on his own accord," said Detective Jesse Venegas in a statement released Wednesday. "The entire event was a fabrication.

"Jose stated that he was scared to stand at the corner and look for work because of recent events such as the tragic accident that took the life of a fellow day laborer." [ … ]

Minuteman national rally spokesman Raymond Herrera said the group had serious doubts about the kidnapping claim from the start.

He said the group believed the story was a lie.

"The Minuteman group knew that from the start," he said. "It just didn’t add up."

The news that the kidnapping story was a lie is regrettable, said Jose Calderon [send him mail], professor of sociology and Chicano studies at Pitzer College. [Day-laborer kidnapping report a hoax: Man who claimed he was taken in handcuffs to Mexico admits that he lied, San Bernardino Sun 5/30/07]

Incidentally, Prof Calderon added to the shriekfest decibels by calling a press conference May 16 to decry the "kidnapping" outrage, so he is certainly telling the truth that he finds the lie "regrettable." Mexicans have wanted a sympathetic martyr at the hands of patriotic Americans, but the Minutemen have not cooperated.

As it happens, fake hate crimes are not that unusual when members of some self-appointed victim class wants to create sympathy for themselves or their cause. However, in some high profile cases the fraudsters are tried and convicted, like Claremont Professor Kerri Dunn who was sentenced to a year in state prison for concocting a fake hate crime in which she was the "victim."

As an educational exercise, check out the incidence of hate crime hoaxes — there are well over a million listings online.

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