Mexican Astronaut Pursues Position as Congressman (in U.S.)

By Brenda Walker


In California, hopeful Democrat leaders like Rep. Nancy Pelosi are talking up the party’s chances for gains in Congress particularly in light of D-friendly redistricting in her big state.

While reading an AP article on the foregoing subject (linked below), I noticed that the final paragraphs concerned the candidacy of Mexican astronaut Jose Hernandez for a seat in Congress.

Avid readers of the Univision website would have seen his announcement last October 11:

Ex-astronaut Hernandez Seeks Congressional Seat

[ … ] In 2009, Hernández flew on the space shuttle Discovery’s mission to the International Space Station and became the first person to tweet in Spanish from outer space. He left NASA this year and is seeking the Democratic nomination for California’s new 10th congressional district.

Hernández, 49, appeared on Univision on Tuesday, saying that he wants to serve in Congress to bring jobs and better education to his Central California district.

“I’m here to run so I can ensure that the American Dream stays alive,” he said.

Hernández, who only learned to speak English at age 12, has relied heavily on his background as the son of immigrants early on in his campaign.

“The son of migrant farm workers, I was able to rise from the fields of California and touch the sky on the Space Shuttle Discovery as an Astronaut, a lifelong goal I was able to achieve thanks to the promise of the American Dream,” he said in his official announcement. in his official announcement.

As Alan Wall wrote in his article Anchor Baby Astronaut, Agitates For Amnesty, Hernandez is the jackpot son of illegal alien farmworkers who said he felt “more Mexican than American.” He wanted to wear a Mexican flag shoulder patch into space, despite the fact that he was born, raised and educated in the United States. But he did carry a Mexican flag with him during his shuttle flight. When he spoke with Mexican Presidente after returning from space, he addressed Calderon as “My beloved president.”

These are but a few examples of Mexican loyalty listed in Wall’s article, yet Hernandez wants to represent Americans in the United States Congress. He says he wants to “ensure that the American Dream stays alive,” — which is pretty twisted given his devotion to an unfriendly foreign power.

If he were to be elected, he would have to pledge allegiance to the United States in his swearing in ceremony:

“I, (name of Member), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Jose Hernandez is loyal to Mexico, not America, and for that reason should not even be eligible to run, much less lie his way through the Oath of Office. Instead, having a diverse astronaut backstory and ethnic appeal for Mexicans will be a plus for many Democrat voters, not a detriment.

House Dems: Gains start with California dreamin’, Associated Press, February 25, 2012

House Democrats’ path to power starts in Elk Grove, Calif., heads down to sunny Modesto and then rolls through the Central Valley to Riverside as the state’s friendly redrawn congressional districts and a number of GOP retirements offer Democrats their best opportunity for victories in November.

Republicans acknowledge that Democrats will gain seats in a highly intense election year, especially with President Barack Obama and the economy on the upswing. But capturing 25 seats nationwide and retaking House control after two years in the minority? That’s nothing but California dreamin’, Republicans say.

Tea partyers and voter frustration with Obama’s policies helped Republicans deliver a sound drubbing to Democrats in 2010. The GOP won a net of 63 seats, seized the majority and elected Rep. John Boehner of Ohio as speaker. The GOP currently holds 242 seats to 192 for the Democrats with one vacancy ‚Äî former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ Arizona seat, which will be filled in a special election June 12.

Despite those numbers, Democrats envision gains in California, with the potential for four to eight seats. Illinois, Florida and Texas are fertile territory to increase their numbers. Even though Texas’ new election map remains in limbo, Democrats saw potential gains in the Republican-drawn version and figure court-approved boundaries will only get better as they take into account the state’s growing Hispanic population. [ … ]

In the farm and ranching district that includes Modesto, the race is between former astronaut Jose Hernandez and Rep. Jeff Denham, a first-term Republican. Hernandez offers a personal story that Democrats hope will prove compelling with voters. As a child, he worked in the fields helping his Mexican immigrant parents, who were farm workers. He learned English at age 12, became and engineer and flew on the space shuttle.

Hernandez, who calls himself a local kid who made good, said he wants to “preserve the ability of folks to reach the American dream.” The district is 40 percent Hispanic, with 25 percent of voting age. He’s upbeat about his chances.

“As they say in Houston, failure is not an option,” Hernandez said in an interview.

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