Mexican Foreign Minister Swears by the Blue Blood of His Conquistador Ancestors That He Shall Crush White Supremacy in U.S.
By Steve Sailer
From the Dallas Morning News:
Mexico plans summit to target rise of white supremacy
Alarmed by the rise of hate crime in the U.S., Mexico is calling for a summit of leaders from Spanish-speaking nations.
By Alfredo Corchado
1:36 PM on Sep 21, 2019MEXICO CITY — Alarmed by the rise of hate crime in the U.S., Mexico is calling for a summit of leaders from Spanish-speaking nations to develop a strategy to combat white supremacy.
Roberto Velasco Alvarez, spokesman for Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard, said the Mexican government has already reached out to key ambassadors posted in Mexico and hopes to hold the summit in Mexico City by the end of the year in which leaders would draft a policy position based on discussions highlighting political and cultural values.
“If white supremacists are calling for hatred, racial divisions, what is our response? We have to define our response, defend our culture, language, civilization, our existence,” Velasco said.
The summit, still in its preliminary stages, would involve leaders from Latin America, Spain and Portugal and include key Mexican American political and cultural actors, including Texas, said Velasco.