Mexican Government Decries Perry’s National Guard Deployment While Mexican Side of the Border Already Militarized
By Allan Wall
Now-beleaguered Texas Governor Rick Perry’s deployment of National Guard troops to the border has angered the government of Mexico, despite the fact that the U.S.-Mexican border is already militarized on the Mexican side of the border.
The Mexican Foreign Ministry issued a stern statement POSICIONAMIENTO DEL GOBIERNO DE MÉXICO ANTE EL DESPLIEGUE DE LA GUARDIA NACIONAL EN TEXAS (SRE — Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, Comunicado 351, August 15, 2014) condemning the “militarization”. Here’s what the Foreign Ministry had to say:
Regarding the decision of the government of Texas to send elements of the National Guard to the border zone, the government of Mexico reiterates, in a firm and categorical manner, its rejection of this measure. There is no existing circumstance nor negative change in the security of the border that justifies or causes this state action.
Very stern words. Notice the SRE says that no “circumstance nor change” justifying the Guard’s deployment to the border. No, just the fact that the border of Texas with Mexico is porous, but that, of course, is just how Mexico likes it.
This type of unilateral decision does not contribute to the shared efforts taken by our countries to construct a modern, prosperous and secure border.
Currently, there are “shared efforts” by the U.S. and Mexican governments — both are working together to keep the border open. Back to the SRE:
The Mexican government considers that these measures do not contribute in any way to the solution of the migratory phenomenon. On the contrary, it departs from the path of dialogue and cooperation that has been established with the federal government of the United States and with other entities of that country.
Here the Foreign Ministry is referring to Mexico making deals with states and other governmental entities of the U.S., which isn’t constitutional anyway. For a recent example, see my article on California Governor Brown’s recent visit to Mexico, here. But what Mexico doesn’t like is state governments, especially border state governments, taking action which might possibly impede the entrance of Mexican illegal aliens.
Mexico again calls for the migratory phenomenon to be taken up from a comprehensive and regional perspective, with a vision of longer time period and shared responsibility, which includes the promotion of social and economic development on both sides of our common border.
The document speaks of the "migratory phenomenon" which sounds like it’s speaking of some natural function of migratory birds or something like that. No, the current border chaos is caused by the governments involved.
Through the consular network in the United States, all necessary measures will be taken, and effort will not be spared to guarantee the respect of the rights of the Mexicans in Texas, particularly of unaccompanied children and adolescents.
Translation: the Mexican government will continue to meddle in internal U.S. affairs.
But if we want to blame a government, we should really be blaming our own government, which allows this porous border, and blatant Mexican meddling.