
Mexican Littering Brings Back Gilgamesh

By Authors


Last month The Epic of Gilgamesh blog suspended publication. This was a sad development for those of us who enjoyed its accounts of life in remote Appalachian Georgia, and who appreciated the occasional biting commentary on the disaster being created in the region by an invasion of underclass Mexicans.

But on Sunday a particularly repulsive illustration of this problem provoked the proprietor back into action

I went to the lake tonight. It’s cooler, and I thought it would be quiet because the tourists would have been headed home. When I got there, I knew immediately that I was wrong. There were perhaps a hundred or more Mexicans having a party … it was all shouting and yelling. They threw trash everywhere. The kids threw cups and cans off the little theater built out over the water. Adults simply dropped their trash where ever they happened to be … . Little kids ran around naked, and the ground was sprinkled with diapers and baby wipes that had been discarded and just tossed away … Alcohol isn’t allowed in the park but they were drinking beer and wine, and a lot of them were drunk. That didn’t stop them from getting in their cars and driving away … I have to say that as far as I can see, these Mexicans are not the gentle, kindly inhabitants of Robert Redfords "Milagro Beanfield War" but more like rats.

Why do Latinos litter so much? has wondered this before. Unfortunately the answer may well lie in the analysis we noted this May put forward by Logical Meme, that littering constitutes

the demonstrative representations of value and respect (or lack thereof) that have ripple effects across a society … .the things that do serve to illustrate the character of an area’s inhabitants. These are the things that demonstrate litter to not be a consequence of poverty, but rather part of a cultural value system which causes and perpetuates poverty.

(Logical Meme has recently posted a particularly effective critique of the Bush New Orleans aid speech.)

The trashing of the Southern mountains is a dismal thing to contemplate. Precipitating the return to the blogging wars of a patriot like the writer of Gilgamesh (now renamed Ancient Scroll apparently) is some compensation.

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