Mexican Official Joins Border Caravan

By Allan Wall


In my Guadalupe Hidalgo article I referred to a border protest beginning on February 2nd, anniversary of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Obviously, the date was chosen, not to celebrate Groundhog Day, but to delegitimize the border itself.

It’s part of a planned two-week "caravan" led by activist Enrique Morones, taking the protesters from California to Texas and back again.

According to Morones, one of the purposes of the trip is to collect testimonies from migrants along the border to share in Washington.

Something tells me they won’t be gathering testimony from Americans who have been harmed by illegal immigration, the kind of information you can find on Brenda Walker’s Immigration’s Human Cost website.

According to "La Jornada", one of the participants in the Caravan is a Mexican official who openly talks of influencing American legislators.

The official is Mauricio Farah Gebara, of the CNDH (National Commission of Human Rights), a sort of Mexican ACLU, financed by the Mexican government. According to Farah,

"In this march we are going to gather testimony of migration, testimony that we hope will strongly impact the conscience of the (U.S.)authorities and legislators."

(En esta marcha vamos a recoger el testimonio de la migraciĂłn, un testimonio que esperemos pegue fuerte en la conciencia de las autoridades y legisladores" para motivar una reforma migratoria, se?alĂł Farah.)

Here in Mexico, foreigners who participate in protest marches are expelled from the country.

Will any of our officials notice this ?

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