Mexican Senators to Sound out Meddling Opportunities under Obama
By Allan Wall
Obama hasn’t even been inaugurated, but Mexican politicians are already looking to see how they can meddle . A delegation of Mexican senators is due in Washington on January 13th-15th to sound out meddling opportunities under the new administration. An article in the Mexican media, Senadores Mexicanos Ir??n a EU a Sondear Nueva Administraci??n, el Siglo de Torreon, January 2, 2009) reports that :
The Senate of the Republic approved that a delegation travel to Washington, before the inauguration of Barack Obama as president of the United States, to meet with congressmen, opinion leaders (think tanks), unions and pressure groups [sic]. The goal is to find out the priorities of the legislative agenda and of the Obama administration.
The Mexican Senate delegation includes representation from the three major Mexican parties, who though they may disagree on other subjects, are united in their desire to meddle in U.S. immigration policy. The members are Rosario Green of the PRI (former foreign minister), Luis Alberto Villarreal and Ricardo Garcia of the PAN, and Silvano Aureoles of the PRD. The article states that
The senators have the objective of carrying out parliamentary diplomacy, to learn the priorities of the [American] executive and legislative branches, especially regarding the issue of immigration, and to analyze the issues that could interest Mexico in 2009.
According to delegation member Senator Luis Alberto Villarreal:
We believe that it is indispensable that we begin to do the work of parliamentary diplomacy, that we could be in a very transcendent moment for the United States, and of course of a major impact for the region.
What is the objective ? To meet with some leaders of the Senate, of the House of Representatives, and especially to meet with a series of pressure groups of the Hispanic community and think tanks, that we know favored the Democratic candidate [Obama] with 70% of the Hispanic vote, and insist that the migratory issue be reopened.
Mexican senators are hoping to get the migratory issue on the Washington agenda by March or April.